Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Game.

You have to guess who said it.

Roomy 1 "Man its hot in here"
Roomy2 " If you'd shut the patio door I'd turn off the furnace."

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Resistance is Futile

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Goodnight Sweet Prince

He was a true friend.
He will be missed.
And I will think of him every time I walk past the dirt parking lot I threw his corpse into.

Monday, October 23, 2006


We are still kind of setting up the trailer.So today Derrick and my other workmate Derek were hanging signs, sweeping up that sort of thing.
I was at my desk when I heard this horrible, horrible sound. It was a man scream. Not the high pitched long piercing scream of an old horror movie,but a man scream.
I went to investigate. It was Derek, there was a mouse in his office. A dead one ,a flat dead one.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Saturday morning it rained here at work, therefore the contractor didn't show up. So I went for a ride in the truck after lunch.
Heading south I came across the "Pony Express Highway". Turning left on to it led to Home Station #1; of Pony Express .This is where the Pony Express started out heading west with the US mail.
Now it's a museum .Two bucks to get in.
When I opened the door to go in I startled the girl who was sitting behind the counter reading.Not alot of traffic I guess.After the small talk about the weather she told me a little about the place. Paying special attention to doors leading to the stable.
"Don't be frightened when you go in there" she said.
"Oh no" says I "Ghosts?"
" No there is a pigeon in there and when flaps around people get jumpy"
Anyway she tells me that she'll put on the video when ever I want and I wander about the place looking at old stuff.
Had enough, but as I'm leaving she says your from Canada. Must have seen the truck.
"You don't sound canadian"
"You don't sound like a cowboy"
"No no, you didn't say eh . Say eh"
"No, 'eh' say, 'eh'"
" Oh hows this then? Hey thanks for the tour eh"
Then honestly she clasped her hands together put them up under chin and kept thanking me for saying "eh"
" That's ok, eh" I said. Which started a wave of giggles as I was walking out the door.

Friday, October 20, 2006


We went to the stock car races the other day.Paid the admission walked through the gate. Got my hand stamped and I went to get beer.
The old dear behind the wicket wanted to card me. The guy with her said I'd pass, but she insisted.Holy mackeral, I didn't think I looked that good.
Tsk............... she was checking for a seniors card. I didn't qualify.To make me feel better she gave me a strap just like Derek's
So that's why there is a picture of my arm ;with more than 5 decades worth of sun damage on it,holding a MDG with an "over 21" banner around the wrist.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Dave, down to the "Maytag Coin Laundry and Car Wash" will wash your clothes.He will hang them or fold them, what ever you want, for 95 cents u.s. a dry pound.No ironing.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thank You For Not Stealing My Wallet

On my way home from work today, while stopped at an intersection, some guy just walked up to my car and opened the door.

Potential Car Jacker: "Where in Ontario are you from?"
Me: "Toronto"
Potential Car Jacker: "I was just in Niagara"
Me: "Ah..."
Potential Car Jacker: "Have a nice day"
P.C.J. closes door and walks away

I probably should have tried to chat more with him, but instead I hurried home... partly because I was excited for the stew Rod was cooking, and partly because I was unclear as to how to carry out a conversation in an intersection.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Got an apartment,need utilities.
Got utilities,need cable.
Got cable,need a television
Need a television,need a garage sale.
Got a garage sale.
Walking up the driveway I see ma sitting in the old rocker behind the table with a tin cash box.
" Have you a television for sale?"
"No. I have a microwave though"
"Does it get CNN?"
Tsk.....................................Need a garage sale.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Moving to a new place means getting an apartment. I have tough time staying in a motel.Getting an apartment means filling in an application,credit check,work history,blah blah blah.
And with the application a checque for the security deposit is required. Not having a bank account would mean going down to get a bank draft. No! They were all apologetic about it, but what with 9-11, the Patriot Act, terrorism and all, the bank said that I couldn't get the money there to send with the application.
They teller behind the counter told me to go to Walmart ,they could help.
Unbelievable ,the "First National" sending me to Walmart to make a business transaction. tsk...
So into the truck, down to the Walmart. Really a nice store all brand new. I make my way to the "Walmart Finantial Services" counter and explain to the teller the situation.
No problem she sells me a money order using my atm card and I'm off. Beauty eh.
So what did we learn from this? Walmart must be soft on terrorism.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You Ain't Even from America

This place will basically be home to stories about working away from home, and attempting to live with a coworker... in the middle of the United States. We'll try to update fairly regularly with our tales of day-to-day survival, along with some photos to help set the scene.

Both Rod and I will be posting, which should hopefully make this interesting. I'll talk about things such as being carded everywhere I go, whether it be at a restaurant or at a Walmart. One Walmart employee in particular seemed almost offended by the Ontario Driver's License, stating: "You ain't even from America!" Rod was quick to point out that, in fact, we were from North America. Actually, I believe he, in his own way, will post about being over 21.

Anyway, that's the intent of our blog for now. I should mention that this blog was almost entirely Rod's idea. He's also hopes to, one day, contribute to YouTube. But more on that later.

Yep, my idea.Having to live with a computer savy youngster made me think about wanting to be part of the 21st century when I shuffle off to Buffalo.

Although I don't get the ipod thing.Why do you need to have 5000 songs in your ear? Was a time if you had a song swirlling around in the center of your brain you would start thinking you were nuts. Later...............