A Game.
Roomy 1 "Man its hot in here"
Roomy2 " If you'd shut the patio door I'd turn off the furnace."
The trials and tribulations of two very different Canadians attempting to work and cohabitate in Middle America.
This place will basically be home to stories about working away from home, and attempting to live with a coworker... in the middle of the United States. We'll try to update fairly regularly with our tales of day-to-day survival, along with some photos to help set the scene.
Both Rod and I will be posting, which should hopefully make this interesting. I'll talk about things such as being carded everywhere I go, whether it be at a restaurant or at a Walmart. One Walmart employee in particular seemed almost offended by the Ontario Driver's License, stating: "You ain't even from America!" Rod was quick to point out that, in fact, we were from North America. Actually, I believe he, in his own way, will post about being over 21.
Anyway, that's the intent of our blog for now. I should mention that this blog was almost entirely Rod's idea. He's also hopes to, one day, contribute to YouTube. But more on that later.
Yep, my idea.Having to live with a computer savy youngster made me think about wanting to be part of the 21st century when I shuffle off to Buffalo.
Although I don't get the ipod thing.Why do you need to have 5000 songs in your ear? Was a time if you had a song swirlling around in the center of your brain you would start thinking you were nuts. Later...............